Customized products request

Following the steps of this simple process, you will be able to get your own customized product.

Customer request + collection of requirements:

The Customer submits his own need or product idea. The conditions of use and minimum necessary requirements are established (pressures, dimensions, applicable product norms, etc.).

Preliminary feasibility examination

At this moment it is established whether the project can be developed.

Project + sampling:

The project is developed and details and costs of the product are provided to the Customer. Sampling, if required and feasible, is provided to the Customer.

Customer acceptance

The Customer's approvai placed on drawings, contracts and orders gives rise to the start of the production cycle.

Production and Shipping:

Carried out according to internal procedures. (Ref. Manual S.Q. 9001: 2015).


Italiana Valvole s.r.l. Regione Monticelli, 13
28045 Invorio (NO) Italy

Monday Friday 8.30 - 12.30 | 14.00 - 18.00

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